February 2019 Recap

That’s what part of my February looked like!
By the numbers:
Stories out at the beginning of the month: 56
Acceptances received: 1
Rejections received: 39
Stories withdrawn: 1 (1)
Resubmissions: 38
New Submissions: 6
Stories out at the end of the month: 56
It’s a strangely parallel looking month, with the same number of stories out at the beginning and end of the month. There were some stories that I’ve pulled out of circulation, and a whole bunch of new ones! I finished and submitted the remaining four flash pieces that I wrote in January and into February (one went out in January), plus winter and jack. I also finished the initial work on soul and cryptid, and both of those are awaiting their turn at revisions.
My one acceptance for the month is one that I’ll announce soon, but I’m excited about it! (And I’ve still got some stories shortlisted too!)
In addition to the short stories, I’ve been kicking butt on getting words done on briar. Just a little more to go, and I’ll have a first draft (by the end of this week)!
In March, I plan to:
- Revise Brass & Glass 3 (I got the first round of edits back from my editors, so plenty to do there)
- Revise soul and cryptid and send those out
- Revise jack (even though I finished it in February, I got some really thorough feedback from one market, and I’m looking to implement some of those changes before it goes back out again)
- Write first drafts of swan and laboratory, start on yokai
- Write four poems (part of another challenge)
March is also Emerald City Comic Con, which I’ll be posting more about later! So it’ll be a busy month, but awesome too!