2019 Goals

Image via Darkmoon_Art (https://pixabay.com/illustrations/sylvester-new-year-s-day-space-3700169/)
2019 is already off to a roaring start, but I’m just now posting my goals for the year. Like last year, they’re largely numbers driven.
- 43 completed stories/poems and 34 others at least started
This seems like a HUGE number of stories, but it’s definitely viable. There are three contests I take part in that will net me a total of 8 flash fiction pieces and 4 poems. I’ll write 11 other flash fiction pieces or poems throughout the year when my writing schedule is lighter. And I’ve got 20 stories scheduled throughout the year. Finally, I’ll at least start 31 pieces during Drawlloween, and 3 more stories toward the end of the year (that won’t be finished until 2020).
- 3 new novels
My novels for this year are a young adult novel (briar), the second Marsh Sisters novel (WWWW), and a historical superhero novel set in the Cobalt City universe. The goal is to get first drafts done for each of these.
- edit 2 novels
My editing will be on Wasteland, after I get notes back from my beta readers, and on the young adult novel that I’ll write at the beginning of the year. Wasteland will then start being queried to agents, and the YA novel may as well!
- 17 book reviews
In 2018, I wrote 20 book reviews. 17 is basically one every three weeks. If I get more travel time in this year, I may write more!
- editing for MSJ and our anthology
This is my usual editing work, which takes up a fair amount of time. But I love being a magazine and anthology editor! And I’m also open to more line and copy editing/proofreading, if anyone is looking for that!