November 2018 recap

Our November adventures took us to the Smith Tower, where we took a ridiculous photo
By the numbers:
Stories out at the beginning of the month: 32
Acceptances received: 0
Rejections received: 28
Stories withdrawn: 0
Resubmissions: 30
New Submissions: 12
Stories out at the end of the month: 46
November was a busy month for submissions, as I finished up a bunch of my Drawlloween pieces (10 stories and a poem!) and another flash piece. Because all of the new stories are flash pieces, it’s necessitated a bit of submissions Tetris, to make sure that as many stories as possible can stay in circulation at all times.
Rather than list out all of the code names for the stories that I finished, I can just say “lots.” At this point, 16 of my 31 Drawlloween pieces are done and in circulation. Three more will be done by the end of the year, and then I’ll spend the early months of 2019 finishing up the remaining 12. I’m definitely really pleased with my output for Drawlloween, so that’s going on my list to do in future years as well!
Aside from all of those flash pieces, I’ve also worked on a few other stories (trains, viruses, winter, and the unplanned story, “smd”). I started editing my “Estellars” novel, as planned, but I discovered quickly that a lot of the plot was based on certain assumptions about this fantasy world that I no longer liked. Between that and reading a book about writing romance novels, I decided that isn’t the direction I want to go, and so I re-shelved that project. Instead, I’ve been working on the edits for Wasteland, and I’m much happier working through that book!
In December, I’m planning to:
- Finish the first pass edit on Wasteland
- Finish trains, viruses, and smd and get them submitted
- Finish first draft of winter
- Clean up three more Drawlloween pieces
- Start “jack”
- Review a couple of books
Lots to do, and not a lot of time, since I’m also helping out at my friend’s shop for the holiday season. But I’ve got all of these worked into my schedule, and it looks viable on paper! We shall see how that goes!