My 2018 Publications

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With the proliferation of awards posts popping up across the internet, I went back and looked over what I’ve had published this year and what I’ve written this year, because I started feeling like I hadn’t done much. Turns out (go figure), my brain is a filthy liar.
Sales and Publications:
I’ve sold 11 pieces (short stories, flash fiction, and poetry) this year, 9 of which have been published this year (or will be before the end of the year). I also had 3 stories that I sold in 2017 that were published in 2018, for a total of 12 stories published. Four of these were reprints, and the other eight are listed below!
“To Make Haste,” podcast at The Overcast (February 2018).
“There are Still Dragons in London, Saint George,” Liquid Imagination (February 2018). (poem)
“Happily Never After,” published in The Colored Lens (July 2018). (online here)
“Parcel Post,” published in Frostfire Worlds (August 2018).
“The Cobbler’s Daughter,” published in MYTHIC Mag (Summer 2018).
“At Least No One Else Will Suffer,” published in Factor Four Magazine (October 2018). (flash fiction)
“Nochnaya Serenada,” published in Wild Musette (October 2018).
“The Marvelous Matter of the Mischievous Monkey,” to be published in Young Explorer’s Adventure Guide, vol. 5 (forthcoming, December 2018).
I also had two books out this year: Scenes from a Quiet Apocalypse (novella, DefCon One) and Brass and Glass 2: The Long-Cursed Map (novel, Razorgirl Press).
I’ve written 37 new pieces. 10 of them were short stories, 5 were poems, and the other 22 were flash fiction. All told, it’s over 50,000 words combined. I’ve got 7 more stories that I’m hoping to have done by the end of the year, which will amount to probably 5 shorts and 2 more flash. (A couple of the stories are sitting near the borderline right now, and I don’t know which way they’ll fall.)
Of the stories I wrote this year, two of the shorts and two of the flash pieces are among my sales. One of those shorts and one of the flash pieces will not be out in 2018, but “At Least No One Else Will Suffer” and “Nochnaya Serenada” were the other two, written and sold in 2018.
And I’ve written the bulk of two novels, already done first pass edits on one, and I’ll have first pass edits done on the second before the end of the year. My editors at Razorgirl Press have the first, which will be the final book in the Brass and Glass series. The second is probably going to go out to beta readers at the beginning of 2019 and then maybe hunting for an agent. *gulp*