October 2018 Recap

Proof that I did a bike ride!
By the numbers:
Stories out at the beginning of the month: 31
Acceptances received: 0
Rejections received: 25
Stories withdrawn: 1 (1)
Resubmissions: 23
New Submissions: 4
Stories out at the end of the month: 32
Things turned around more quickly in October, so I’ve got a few more resubmissions, and a handful of new submissions. I withdrew one story where the market had never responded, and another market closed. And I’ve had the usual bunch of stories that are on limited submission runs right now, only when I find the right home for them.
October was also Drawlloween, and I’m very proud to say that I completed it exactly as dictated. I wrote or started a new piece every day in October. Three of those pieces are among my new submissions for October, while most of the rest still need minor revisions or completion. I finished more than half of the pieces, but some of them are going to turn into short stories rather than flash.
The other story I finished was what was originally envisioned as “sails,” but wound up going in a very different direction. And I made good progress on the tentatively named “trains,” finishing my first draft.
I also finished the first draft of Wasteland, and though it’s going to need a lot of editing, that draft is in the bag!
Oh, and did I mention that I also did a bike ride?! It was only 18 miles of the Katy Trail, and my sister bribed me and rented me an e-bike, but I did a bike ride with my mom! As a result of said bike ride and other travels, I spent almost half the month on the road. So getting all of this done is a big accomplishment.
So what’s on tap for November?
- Finish “unnamed story 1”
- Start “winter”
- Write a piece of flash (either for contest or just because)
- Work on revisions and completion of Drawlloween stories
- Start revisions on “trains”
- Revise or expand my second piece of contest flash fiction
- Start editing my “Estellars” novel
- Review some comics
I may also have a copy editing project coming my way in the not so distant future, so that will probably be on my plate in November as well, along with the usual MSJ work!