August 2018 recap!

A mouse melon, the smallest of melons, which tastes like a sour cucumber.
By the numbers:
Stories out at the beginning of the month: 31
Acceptances received: 2
Rejections received: 26
Stories withdrawn: 1
Resubmissions: 27
New Submissions: 3
Stories out at the end of the month: 32
August has been a busy month. I’ve had two story acceptances! I haven’t signed the contract for one of them, so I’ll announce that later, but I can announce that I’ve sold “At Least No One Else Will Suffer” to Factor Four Magazine. I’m very excited to have one of my flash pieces picked up, since I’ve been writing so much flash this year!
I also finished three stories in August. Two of those stories were ones that I wrote during the shorter of the two flash fiction contests. One of those wound up needed about 1,400 more words before it was done, while the other went out pretty much as is. I also finished another flash story that I wrote, in part, on my flight back from Spokane earlier this month.
In addition to the acceptances and completed new stories, I also worked on a few other short stories. One is done in its first draft, but will need revisions later (cryo). One got backburnered (rain). And one I’m trying to determine if it needs a serious overhaul or just a partial overhaul (star). I’ve also been working on one story with a co-author, and chatting with the authors that I plan to co-write a couple of other stories with.
On the novel front, Brass and Glass 3 edits are going smoothly, and I’m occasionally finding time to write more of Wasteland. And I’m editing for MSJ and DefCon One in my copious (hah!) spare time.
In August, I mostly focused on comic books for reviews, but I did have a few book reviews appear as well.
In September, my goals are:
- Finish my edits on Brass and Glass 3 and send it to my editors and maybe a couple of beta readers.
- Make more progress on Wasteland.
- Write a couple of flash pieces, one for the second round of the longer flash fiction contest.
- Polishing a couple of short stories (star and cryo).
- Writing another mashup story.
- Review more comics.
- Working on publicity for Battling in All Her Finery.
So another busy month!