June 2018 Recap

Four out of five feline supervisors sleep on the job
By the numbers:
Stories out at the beginning of the month: 33
Acceptances received: 2
Rejections received: 18
Stories withdrawn: 0
Resubmissions: 16
New Submissions: 4
Stories out at the end of the month: 33
The numbers are strange this month. I’ve got a lot of stories out in the world, and most of them seem to be sticking it out for longer than usual. So hopefully that leads to a lot of good news this month!
My two acceptances this month were “Happily Never After” at The Colored Lens and “Nochnaya Serenada” at Wild Musette. I’ll have more on those when they go live. I also finished four new pieces this month–two flash pieces, a poem, and a short story (twin witches)–so it was a really productive month. There were a few stories that I pulled out of circulation–reprints that have been to most of the applicable markets, and now will just wait in the pool in case any appropriate anthologies that take reprints pop up.
In addition to the short stories, I’m still chugging through the first draft of Brass and Glass 3–not quite as far as I’d like to be, but I’m getting there. I wound up stopping work on HgMx because it wasn’t working, so I’ve backburnered that to return to later. I wrote a couple of book reviews and did a lot of editing for Battling in All Her Finery. And we decided that we aren’t sure where we’re going with Austenworld, so that’s been backburnered also.
In July, I plan to:
- Finish the first draft of Brass and Glass 3. (Ambitious, but doable.)
- Finish the first draft of one short story (rain) and write the first draft of another short story (star).
- Write a book review
- Write at least 4 pieces of flash. (I’m in a couple of flash competitions this month, which issue prompts and give you 2-4 days to write the piece. One contest will have two pieces written this month, while the other contest has one piece written this month. The fourth piece is one I’m doing on my own.)
- Battling in All Her Finery read-through. (Which isn’t writing, but it takes up some of my writing time.)
It’s a full plate, but I’ve got one day off work and a couple of empty weekends planned!