May 2018 Recap

Did you know the Land of Oz was in Aberdeen, SD? I didn’t either. (It’s part of Storybook Land, and it’s because L. Frank Baum lived in Aberdeen for a while.)
By the numbers:
Stories out at the beginning of the month: 27
Acceptances received: 0
Rejections received: 30
Stories withdrawn: 1
Resubmissions: 36
New Submissions: 2
Stories out at the end of the month: 33
Things are ramping up for me in terms of submissions! Part of this is that I’m participating in a challenge related to submissions, so I’ve been on top of keeping my stories out there. I also pulled some stories that had been languishing in the pile of “I can’t find a market for this” and found them some markets. Having more things making the rounds and submitting aggressively means more rejections, but that’s a statistic that I’ll accept! Also, with the withdrawal and one rejection, I’ve resolved the last of my stories that were still outstanding from 2017. So everything that’s out now was submitted in 2018!
I finished two new things this month–one was damsel, and the other was a poem that I wrote on my phone in a single morning and had ready to submit by that afternoon.
In addition to the done things, I worked on a few different stories. One that I’ve codenamed HgMx is started, but I’ve had some false starts with it, and so it’s still not quite done. I also have continued working on twin witches, and I’m making some progress there. Spy got backburnered, because I’m not sure what I’m doing with that story yet, and I was writing a lot of stuff that didn’t seem like it needed to be in the story. I hoped to be 2/3 of the way done with Brass and Glass 3 by the end of this month, but my travel slowed that down a bit–I’m almost there, but not quite! And I finished 3 book reviews, down from 4 because we needed to post some other things at MSJ that weren’t book reviews!
I think that all of my travel is finally winding down, and I’m looking forward to spending a couple of months at home with not a lot going on.
In June, I’m planning to:
- Get to the 2/3 point in Brass and Glass 3.
- Finish twin witches, revise it, and get it submitted.
- Finish the first draft of HgMx.
- Write a couple of poems.
- Write 3 book reviews.
- Work on Austenworld again.
- Editing for Battling in All Her Finery.
That’s a lot of work for June, but with less traveling, it’s doable! Looking forward, I’m signing up for some flash fiction contests over the summer, and I think those are going to be a blast. They don’t start until July, though.