Fun for Friday: Writing Prompts for Young Adults and Beyond

Alagich Katya ( CC-by-2.0 (
Here’s a fun prompt that’s a mix of a photo prompt and text prompts.
Exhibit A is the photo to the right, which, despite its lack of diverse characters, looks very much like the cast of characters for a young adult novel. (Or a horror movie, but that’s a different sort of setup.) Or maybe this is just one segment of the characters in a young adult novel. Perhaps these are the antagonists.
Exhibit B is the writing prompts located at this page. If you scroll down a bit, you’ll find two sets of young-adult specific writing prompts. The first are some first line ideas, while the second set details five characters–conveniently enough for the purposes of this prompt, two boys and three girls.
So take the teenagers pictured here, and the prompts and/or character descriptions at the link, and you’ve got yourself a slew of ideas for something involving young adults!