April 2018 Recap!

This sweet cat is Calamity Jane. She currently is in residence at the Mauhaus Cat Cafe in St. Louis, which I got to visit. She’s cute, bossy, and adventurous, and needs a forever home!
By the numbers:
Stories out at the beginning of the month: 26
Acceptances received: 0
Rejections received: 19
Stories withdrawn: 0
Resubmissions: 19
New Submissions: 1
Stories out at the end of the month: 27
April looks like a pretty typical month. One new story finished (shipping, as planned) and sent out into the world, and no new acceptances to speak of. But I’m keeping my pieces out there, and they’re bound to find homes sooner or later.
This month was mostly spent finishing up my edits for Brass and Glass 2: The Long-Cursed Map, which should be out toward the end of May. I finished the first draft of one short story (damsel), and started on another one (spy). I’ve also started writing book 3 of the Brass and Glass series, trying to get a jump on getting that knocked out. I also wrote a book review and a guest blog post, which I’ll talk about more when it goes live!
I’ve been visiting with family in St. Louis for over a week now and working my day job remotely while I’m here. Being away from home and out of my normal schedule has slowed down my writing immensely, but I managed to knock out some words over the weekend, because my darling baby sister loves her sleep. Things should be getting back to normal in May, though it looks like I’m going to travel for work for a week mid-month, which also throws things off.
If all goes well, though, in May, I plan to:
- Get about 2/3 of the way done with Brass and Glass 3
- Finish writing the first draft of spy
- Start and finish the first draft of my next short story, which is tentatively codenamed “HgMx”
- Work on twin witches, which got backburnered
- Revise damsel and get that sent off
- Write four book reviews (travelling does have some perks, like increased reading time!)