Conventions as a Learning Experience

Image by un-perfekt from Pixabay
One of the things that I love the most about going to conventions like Norwescon is the opportunity to learn from other writers. Even if I don’t get a chance to go to many (or any) panels that I’m not on, I still wind up in conversations while working at our table, or at parties, or just wandering the halls of the convention. I’m firmly of the belief that we are ALWAYS learning as writers, and that if you stop learning, your writing will stagnate. Even if you think you’ve learned everything you can learn on a topic, there’s always something new!
Most of my learning this year involved meeting new people and listening to their perspectives on things. I was on a couple of writing panels (which I’ll talk about more in coming days), and they gave me loads of new information and things to think about! Bits and pieces of this information will definitely seep into what I’m working on in the coming months!
There are also so many opportunities to make new connections with people. At Norwescon, we made some new friends, reconnected with old friends, and introduced loads of people to one another. As per the usual, I’ve now got a (virtual–thank goodness for my Kindle!) stack of new books to read, and I’ve got new markets where I want to send stories! All in all, it was a wonderful time!