dawn.vogel | March 16, 2018
I talked about contronyms a couple of weeks ago, and today, I’m talking about eponyms! According to Wikipedia, an eponym “is a person, place, or thing after whom or after which something is named, or believed to be named.” Historical eras and scientific innovations often receive eponymous designations, but sometimes, they can be a little […]
Category: For Fun |
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Tags: eponyms, fun for friday
dawn.vogel | March 15, 2018
Last week, I turned in my second round of edits on the Brass & Glass 2 manuscript to my editors at Razorgirl Press, which means that we’re well on our way to having a book! We’re shooting to have it out by the end of May, but I don’t have a release date to announce just […]
Category: Announcements, Publishing |
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Tags: brass and glass, razorgirl press, steampunk
dawn.vogel | March 14, 2018
We’re off to have an adventure for a few days with some of my dearest friends. I’ve got posts set up so you can be entertained while I’m otherwise occupied. I doubt I’ll get much writing done, but it’ll be nice to give my brain a few days of recharging!
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Tags: adventures, day off, vacation
dawn.vogel | March 13, 2018
For the first time, I’m a panelist at Norwescon! I’ve been attending this convention most years since I moved to Seattle, where I’ve sold crafts, books, some combination of the two, and done some of the Broad Universe Rapid Fire Readings. And a lot of cosplay. But this year, I’ll be sitting on panels as […]
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Tags: norwescon, panelist
dawn.vogel | March 12, 2018
How do you make your villain not a cardboard cutout, stereotypical villain like the guy pictured to the right? Monica M. Clark has a great article at the Write Practice about how Killmonger from Black Panther is a masterful example of a good villain, and breaks down the points about the character that make him so […]
Category: Advice |
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Tags: advice, villains
dawn.vogel | March 9, 2018
A recent study suggests that languages with a larger vocabulary size tend to be less complex and easier to learn than those with a smaller vocabulary size, which necessitates a number of grammatical rules. The examples that they give of languages with a larger vocabulary size are English and Mandarin. And while I’d argue that […]
Category: For Fun |
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Tags: fun for friday, learning languages, linguistics
dawn.vogel | March 8, 2018
Broken Eye Books recently launched their Kickstarter for Welcome to Miskatonic University, which is an anthology of stories set at the vaunted institution of higher education in Lovecraft’s Miskatonic Valley. The basic Kickstarter funding will fund one anthology, but there’s a second anthology waiting in the wings as the first stretch goal. And that second anthology […]
Category: Announcements, Publishing |
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Tags: hashtag tpe, kickstarter, publishing, welcome to miskatonic university
dawn.vogel | March 7, 2018
My latest book review is up at Mad Scientist Journal, this one for The Marauder’s Island by Tristan J. Tarwater of Back That Elf Up. This was a book that Jeremy picked up for me at Geek Girl Con, and it was all that I had hoped it would be and more, filled with heart, action, adventure, […]
Category: Reviews |
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Tags: diverse fiction, fantasy, review, Tristan J. Tarwater
dawn.vogel | March 6, 2018
I’ve recently had a poem published in Liquid Imagination, called “There Are Still Dragons in London, Saint George.” The website has both a text version of the poem and an audio version of the poem, the latter read by me! It’s fitting that this poem is published now, because it’s almost exactly two years after I […]
Category: Announcements, Publishing |
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Tags: liquid imagination, poetry, publication, there are still dragons in london saint george
dawn.vogel | March 5, 2018
Late last week, I had to make the difficult decision to stop working on one of my novel projects (the rewrite of Camp Haunt). The process had been going very slowly, and in order for me to get it done within my self-imposed deadline, I would have had to write a lot in a limited amount […]
Category: Advice |
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Tags: advice, backburner, taking a break