February 2018 Recap

Stormageddon is SHOCKED by what he sees!
By the numbers:
Stories out at the beginning of the month: 23
Acceptances received: 2
Rejections received: 18
Stories withdrawn: 0
Resubmissions: 21
New Submissions: 1
Stories out at the end of the month: 25
Another month, and some progress! Two acceptances in February! The first is that my poem, “There Are Still Dragons in London, Saint George,” appears in the February 2018 issue of Liquid Imagination. This is technically the second poem I’ve had published, but it’s the first one that I’ve gotten paid for, which seems like a bigger deal to me! The other one JUST squeaked in under the wire, so the contract isn’t signed yet. So I’ll announce that one later!
I finished one new story (night witches) and sent it off to find a home. As anticipated, I also finished the first drafts of “house” and “shipping,” started revising “house,” and started writing “damsel.” And I’ve worked more on the revisions to Brass and Glass 2 and some writing on the new novel. I finished one of my two book reviews, but I’ve still got about 50 pages to read in the second book, so I’ll probably be writing that review tomorrow.
In March, I need to get both “house” and “shipping” out in to the world, finish writing the first draft of “damsel,” and start writing a new story, “twins” (which is not the same as “twin heroes” … apparently I’ve picked up a new theme, it seems!). I should be finishing up the revisions to Brass and Glass 2 next week, and the new novel should be done at the end of the month (fingers crossed on that one!). And I’ll also read a couple more books and review them, made easier this month by a mid-month vacation, which means time to read on the flights! Cuts a little into my writing time, but I think I’ll be alright!