Fun for Friday: Turning Drawing Prompts into Writing Prompts

Image by Miroslav Kaclík from Pixabay
Often times when I’m looking for a random inspiration for something to write, I turn to lists that are designed for artists who want random prompts for daily drawings. It’s not that difficult to turn a drawing prompt into a writing prompt. Instead of drawing whatever is on the list, you can write a story about that thing, you can include it as an element in a story, or you can write what a character you’re writing thinks about the thing.
A great source for these lists are websites that post monthly daily drawing lists. Sometimes, they are themed toward the month–for example, Drawlloween takes place in October, and the drawing prompts are themed toward Halloween. Other times, like for Inktober, they’re just a collection of words to prompt someone to draw. Or, in this case, write!
Sketchbook Skool offers monthly lists of drawing prompts, along with other mini assignments. So if you’re at a loss about what to write today, check out their latest posts to get some inspiration!