Coming Up: Volatile Figments

Cover art for Volatile Figments, due out in October 2017
I’ve been working on pulling together a lot of my old, previously published stories, along with some new stories, into mini collections. The one I’m working on currently is Volatile Figments, which will be a collection of six stories in the young adult/dark contemporary fantasy realm, a number of which feature teenage monsters.
Why teenage monsters? Because of a game called Monsterhearts by Avery Alder. Monsterhearts is a game about being teenage monsters, and it’s a BRILLIANT game. It deals with all of the icky messiness of being a teenager within the metaphor of also being a monster. And that idea inspired a couple of the stories that will be in Volatile Figments, specifically “After School Special” and “Spirit Week,” which are the two stories in this collection that haven’t been published previously.
“After School Special” is my story about what happens when you find out that your BFF has become something not entirely human, while “Spirit Week” is a story of a cabal of teenage witches. Both of these are a little far afield of what Monsterhearts usually ends up dealing with, but both are also stories that the game could potentially tell.
If this sounds like your cup of tea, check back soon! Volatile Figments will be available to buy as an ebook in early October!