February recap
By the numbers:
Stories out at the beginning of the month: 4
Acceptances received: 0
Rejections received: 3
Resubmissions: 1
New Submissions: 0
Stories out at the end of the month: 2
February wasn’t terribly productive for submissions. On getting a couple of my stories back, I decided to hold off on resubmitting them. I want to take some time to go through them and make any revisions that they might need. So two stories are out of circulation, leaving only two stories out there at the moment.
However, I am quickly approaching the end of the first draft of a new short story, which I need to get done by March 15th. I’ve also got another short story that I want to write, which needs to be done by March 31st. Especially since I’ve got a gaming convention that takes up almost a week of March, I’m going to be making those little words fly this month! Hopefully the March recap will report successful completion and submission of these two stories!