February recap
By the numbers
Stories out at the beginning of the month: 6
Acceptances received: 1 (“The Devil’s Toybox”)
Rejections received: 2
Resubmissions: 0
New Submissions: 1 (“The Devil’s Toybox”)
Stories out at the end of the month: 4
So what did I get done this month that isn’t reflected above? I only wrote one book review this month, but I finally (last night, metaphorically kicking and screaming) finished the first draft of my novella! I also worked a little bit on another story which never quite made it to done.
I wrote and submitted my Write1Sub1 story this month in a single day. It was microfiction (99 words long), so it didn’t take long. Even better, it was accepted for publication the very next day! I’m not sure when it will go live, but I’ll be sure to post when it does!
One of the rejections I received was for my January Write1Sub1 story. As anticipated, I got some good feedback on it, and have plans to make some revisions to it before it goes back out. I also am planning on looking over my other rejection from this month, which has been submitted a whole lot of places, to see if I can improve it a bit. I think I can.
What’s on the agenda for March? Revisions to my novella and to the two short stories mentioned above. I’m also hoping to finish up the story I started in February, assuming that I don’t get sidetracked with some other idea. Seeing as the unfinished story has been floating in my head for quite a few months now, I think I should see it through to the end. But I keep getting bogged down in the details. Blah! I’ve also got another book I’m almost done reading for a review, and then I hope to blast through a second one and get that reviewed either before the end of the month or early in April. I’ve got a vacation at the tail end of March that will eat up four days, so I need to finish everything early!