History That Never Was

Home of Dawn Vogel: Writer, Historian, Geek

It’s coming back to me!

At least I think so. I realized today that I haven’t written any fiction since February 1st. I was coming down with a cold as we left writer’s group that night, and today was the first day I’ve had the brain power to write.

Unsurprisingly, it was because I heard a song. The song was one that I had once tried to write a longer story related to, but the story just kept seeming too long. But I had written a fairly creepy ending for the story, and kept it on my phone for a long time. Today, I heard the song again, and it clicked. So I dashed off a couple of paragraphs longhand, transcribing the ending off of my phone. Then I typed it up and tweaked it down to a 99-word story (it could be a 100 word story, I just cut one word so that it could go to a 99-word market first).

So yeah, a 99-word story might not be much, but it’s something. And if the hubbie (he of the recently surgery-ed elbow) decides to keep playing his video game tonight, there might be something more that will finally bubble out of my brain. It’s good to not feel brain dead for the first day in almost 2 weeks!

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