June 2022 Recap

A chunk of my library books for research this past month!
By the numbers:
Stories out at the beginning of the month: 115
Acceptances received: 3
Rejections received: 69 (+2)
Stories withdrawn: 0
Resubmissions: 59
New Submissions: 23
Stories out at the end of the month: 122
This month was approaching more normal on rejections and resubmissions/new submissions, helped by the fact that I had 23 new pieces to go into circulation. That was 19 poems, 3 microfiction pieces, and 1 short story. The +2 on my rejections were one market that never responded and another market that closed. And my three acceptances were two poems and flash fiction piece.
As for my June goals, I didn’t finish the first draft of Sasha or the first draft of a new piece, but I did finish revising book, sorted out all my MerMay stuff, wrote a couple of poems and some microfiction, completed the Stephen Fry poetry exercises, wrote several book reviews, and got my newsletter out. I also planned out my July challenge details. On top of my list, I also started editing a novella for DefCon One and did a ton of research for my July project and another project.
My July project is going to be the first draft of a Regency-era Gothic novella. I plan to write about 30,000 words, and then see whether it’s done at that length or needs to be expanded into a novel.
So my July plans are:
- First draft of the novella (“Governess”)
- Finish editing the novella for DefCon One
- Start revising Camp Haunt for ebook and print release
- Complete first drafts for three MerMay flash fiction/very short story pieces (warriors, workers, and sandcastle)
- Start first draft of living room
- Write two flash pieces
- Write microfiction piece
- Write two book reviews
- Next section of Stephen Fry’s poetry exercises
- Newsletter
It’s a lot to juggle, but I think I can do it!