History That Never Was

Home of Dawn Vogel: Writer, Historian, Geek

Fun for Friday: WikiRoulette

| December 15, 2023

If you enjoy truly random writing prompts, check out WikiRoulette. Visiting the site will pull up a random article from Wikipedia. Sometimes, they’ll be for very detailed pages, while other times, there may be less information available. But they may give you an interesting person, a place you’ve never heard of, or miscellaneous other articles […]

Fun for Friday: With Lists of Random Things!

| August 11, 2023

I’m a big fan of random lists, especially as they can be used as writing prompts. So today, here’s a random list generator! By default, it gives you six things, with images. But you can also have it change the number of things it presents, or only get clothing, flowers, or instruments. One way to […]

Fun for Friday: Random Title Generator as Prompt

| January 20, 2023

I love random generators, so it’s no wonder that I’m sharing this Random Title Challenge prompt/generator! It uses dice to choose words from three lists, which you put together into a title and then use to inspire a story. The best thing about this challenge is that you can make your own lists of adjectives, […]

Fun for Friday: Random Prompt Generator

| July 6, 2018

I find that I get a lot of mileage out of really random generators. Today, I’ve found a random prompt generator on Tumblr, which gives you eleven potential prompts for the price of one. (For the record, the “price of one” is clicking on a link. So free.) There are all sorts of ways that […]