History That Never Was

Home of Dawn Vogel: Writer, Historian, Geek

Sentence Structure for Compelling Prose

| February 17, 2020

Writers are told to vary their sentence length to make their prose interesting, so that readers don’t fall into a rhythm or pattern with their reading. This article talks about the use of complex sentences to create compelling and emotional prose. There are a number of examples of famous writers who have done this, followed […]

Fun for Friday: Grammatically Correct Sentences That Sound Wrong

| October 5, 2018

English is weird, difficult for non-native speakers to master, and confusing even to native speakers. Case in point, check out the diagrammed sentence to the right. I can’t exactly explain what it means, but it’s apparently grammatically correct. So are these other sentences. While they may be grammatically correct, that doesn’t necessarily mean that you want […]