History That Never Was

Home of Dawn Vogel: Writer, Historian, Geek

Fun for Friday: Three Images of Renewal

| January 15, 2021

For this Friday, we’ve got three images on a renewal theme, but as you use them as inspiration for your writing, feel free to take them in different directions. (Images deleted.) The first image is thin, brightly colored curved lines that look like they could be a close-up image of a Slinky or curled tinsel. […]

Family, Teamwork, and Responsibility in a Kid-Friendly Book!

| January 14, 2021

Spiders of the Shifting Swamp is my children’s book about family, teamwork, and responsibility. Even though the characters are mostly spiders (and some lizards), they have a lot to teach about working together and taking care of each other. It’s a great book for young kids to have read to them, and for early readers […]

Review of The Dragon Stone Conspiracy: A Strowlers Novel by Amanda Cherry

| January 13, 2021

The Dragon Stone Conspiracy: A Strowlers Novel by Amanda Cherry (Zombie Orpheus Entertainment, 2021) is a tie-in novel to the Strowlers urban fantasy series from the creators of The Gamers. Set during World War II, this novel features action, adventure, and fighting against Nazis and the Third Reich, coupled with magic, fae, and a mysterious artifact. Pepper […]

2021 Patreon Plans

| January 12, 2021

Did you know that I have a Patreon? I do! It’s a way for my fans to throw a small amount of money my way to support my writing and learn about what I’m working on! I regularly post recaps and snippets of my works in progress. I haven’t reached my first goal, which involves […]

Idea Tracking for Authors

| January 11, 2021

If you’re like me, you may often have more ideas than you know what to do with, and not enough time to implement them. But equally important to time for implementation is a method of tracking those ideas that works for you. I keep my ideas in a lot of places: I’ve got a tag […]

Fun for Friday: Writing Prompts for a New Year!

| January 8, 2021

If you’re looking for some writing prompts that consider the beginning of a new year, check out this list! Some of these are celebratory, while others are more introspective, but while all of them are rooted in reality, they could make interesting fiction writing prompts as well!

Becoming a Merfolk

| January 7, 2021

Several of the poems and some of the stories in What If I’m a Merfolk? revolve around the idea of someone becoming a merfolk when they previously were not. In some cases, it’s a hereditary condition that emerges at a certain point in a character’s life. In other cases, it’s a blessing bestowed by another […]

Review of Hollow Skulls and Other Stories by Samuel Marzioli

| January 6, 2021

Hollow Skulls and Other Stories by Samuel Marzioli (JournalStone, 2021) is a collection of thirteen horror and otherwise dark short stories. The majority of the stories are previously published stories, while a few are new to this collection. One of Marzioli’s greatest strengths, showcased in this collection, is a sense of creeping dread that pervades […]

Setting Goals for 2021!

| January 5, 2021

While 2020 didn’t go entirely as planned for many folks, even after a promising start, I’m hopeful that 2021 will be an improvement. True, things can still get worse, but I’m choosing hope in terms of creating my goals this year. One of my goals for 2020 was to become agented, but that didn’t pan […]

December 2020 and Overall 2020 Recaps

| January 4, 2021

By the numbers: Stories out at the beginning of the month: 199 Acceptances received: 3 Rejections received: 95 Stories withdrawn: 2 (+3) Resubmissions: 112 New Submissions: 8 Stories out at the end of the month: 216 Another month with a whole lot of submissions (though fewer than last month). New submissions this month were again […]