History That Never Was

Home of Dawn Vogel: Writer, Historian, Geek

Improving Through Learning and Doing


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I recently got comments back on a story that complimented the fight scenes I’d written. This was a major achievement for me, since I’ve often groaned about needing to write a fight scene. And I credit my growth in this area to continuing to learn and continuing to do.

I’ve now attended two workshops related to writing combat, and with each one, I’ve learned a little bit more. I’ll probably continue attending workshops and panels on the topic, though, because there is always more that I can learn. I don’t anticipate I’ll ever reach a point where I feel like another workshop, class, or panel won’t be beneficial in some way. If nothing else, they can reiterate what I’ve already learned, but possibly in a way that I can connect to better.

The other aspect of this improvement, though, is doing, which for me, means writing the fight scenes even when I hate them. The more I write, the better they’ll get, informed by the knowledge I’ve collected and the experience of writing what works and writing what doesn’t work.


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