History That Never Was

Home of Dawn Vogel: Writer, Historian, Geek

Ready to be Scared of Summer Camp?

Cover art for Camp HauntSummer camp can be a scary experience for those who have never gone before, and even some veterans of the camp experience. In my serial novella, Camp Haunt, things are scarier than normal for the campers at Camp Fairmarsh, where all sorts of weird things are happening in the summer of 2003.

Told as a series of letters, diary entries, and camp correspondence, Camp Haunt is the sort of story that might keep you up at night, wondering at the weirdness in the world of the story, and whether it’s all supernatural or whether there’s a rational explanation for what’s going on. By the time you get to the end, though, there will be little doubt in your mind that this is a “normal” camp.

You can only read Camp Haunt by subscription at Chanillo!

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