History That Never Was

Home of Dawn Vogel: Writer, Historian, Geek

Fun for Friday: Writing without a Letter

| August 17, 2018

Not too long ago, I mentioned pangrams, which are sentences that use every letter in the English language. But what about NOT using a specific letter in a story, or even a novel? It’s called a lipogram, it’s most commonly done with the letter “E,” which seems really difficult! My last sentence had 8 instances of […]

Get Brass & Glass 2 in Person!

| August 16, 2018

What does a man-sized squirrel with an hors d’oeuvre have to do with Brass and Glass 2? Not much, except that it’s advertising the next opportunity for you to get your hands on a SIGNED copy of my latest book! I’ll be at the Handmade and Haute Craft Show in Tacoma on Saturday, August 18th, with […]

Mini-Comic Book Reviews on my Instagram!

| August 15, 2018

I’m taking a few weeks off from reviewing new books and digging deep into my TOWER of graphic novels that Jeremy has so patiently been curating for me. It’s threatening to overtake the hallway, so it’s high time for me to start working through it. (It was actually high time for me to start working […]

“Parcel Post” in Frostfire Worlds

| August 14, 2018

The August 2018 issue of Frostfire Worlds includes my story, “Parcel Post.” Frostfire Worlds is a magazine of stories for kids, and in my case, my story is also about kids. The idea for “Parcel Post” started with the fun fact that in the early twentieth century (roughly around 1913), you could mail small children. Sort […]

Back from SpoCon!

| August 13, 2018

I’m back from SpoCon, and I’ll talk more about my experiences there in the coming weeks. But for now, I’m settling back into the day to day grind, enjoying the relatively clear air here, and definitely relishing the cooler temperatures of Western Washington. Spokane is a cute little place, but it’s much too high desert […]

Fun for Friday: Sci-Fi Photo Prompt

| August 10, 2018

This image (deleted) is just so chock full of promise, I don’t even know where to begin! There’s the gorgeous sci-fi city in the background, of course, but the girl in the foreground is what draws my attention. Is she a robot? Is she a cybernetically enhanced human? I think it could go either way, […]

Unfixed Timelines on Channillo

| August 9, 2018

If you don’t particularly care for reading ebooks, but have been wanting to read my Unfixed Timelines collection, I’ve got great news for you! Unfixed Timelines is being published on Channillo! Each week on Thursdays, you can read either a short story or the essay about the history that inspired this story. They’ll alternate, so that […]

Review of Once Upon a Fact

| August 8, 2018

I’ve got another book review up this week at Mad Scientist Journal, for an anthology of futuristic fairy tales called Once Upon a Fact. If this sounds like the sort of thing you might enjoy, you can check out my review here!

Did You Know I Have a Patreon?

| August 7, 2018

Did you know that I have a Patreon? I do! It’s a way for my fans to throw a small amount of money my way to support my writing! I’m getting close to my first goal, which involves a monthly video of me reading one of my stories or an excerpt from a longer piece! So […]

Questions for Beta Readers

| August 6, 2018

If you’ve finished a novel or other longer work and want to get outside opinions, you might turn to a beta reader. But what are you asking them to look at? This article presents fifteen questions for beta readers that will help you get the most of their comments! It also has some other tidbits […]