History That Never Was

Home of Dawn Vogel: Writer, Historian, Geek

Cross and Circle available now!

Cover art for Cross and CircleMy latest book, Cross and Circle, is officially out today! It’s a contemporary fantasy novella, with a hint of mystery. From the book blurb:

Evie and Carlotta are expecting the imminent arrival of their first child when an unusual group of men claims to have come for their son. Building off of a pendant that one of the men wears and her own research into pecked crosses across the world, Evie uncovers secrets related to the organization the men serve, pecked crosses, and her wife’s family history.

I did a lot of research on pecked crosses prior to writing this book, and that’s a fascinating topic on its own. And though the story gives an explanation for their proliferation, the truth is that no one really has that answer! So check out Cross and Circle to learn more about the pecked crosses!

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