History That Never Was

Home of Dawn Vogel: Writer, Historian, Geek

Stories for Your Reading Enjoyment!

Every once in a while, I check all of the websites where my stories have been published to see what’s still out there for free. This is useful stuff for when I’m selling reprints, but today’s round-up also means that I’ve got a stack of links for my readers! As a note, several of these are a little bit on the creepy side, so you might want to steer clear of reading them just before bed!

Bringing Light to the World“: A retelling of an old Pacific Northwest myth about the sun, as well as why ravens have black feathers. (At Fickle Muses)

Miasma“: Dani finds the new director in the theater department more than a little unnerving, but she has barely scratched the surface on just how weird things are about to get. A slightly creepy King in Yellow story. (At NonBinary Review)

Terpsichore“: Unable to find the inspiration for a performance for her dance troupe, Mia calls upon a muse and gets far more than she bargained for. (At EGM Shorts)

Donning the Helm“: An archaeological dig turns up something unanticipated. (At 87 Bedford; there’s also an audio version of this story here.)

One for Every Year“: Julia Prynn doesn’t know how she came to be bound to a painting in a hotel, but she’s about to find out how to break the curse. (At Digital Fiction Pub QuickFic; this story will have an audio version in just a few weeks!)

“Donning the Helm” can also be found in my collection, Unfixed Timelines, where it is accompanied by an article that talks about the realities of nineteenth-century archaeology. Many of these other stories will appear in an upcoming collection, Volatile Figments, which will be out in early October.

About The Author


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