History That Never Was

Home of Dawn Vogel: Writer, Historian, Geek

September 2016 recap

By the numbers:
Stories out at the beginning of the month: 21
Acceptances received: 0
Rejections received: 18 (+1)
Stories withdrawn: 0
Resubmissions: 19
New Submissions: 1
Stories out at the end of the month: 22

The numbers for September are really clean and easy. No acceptance, but I did finish a new story (rain) and get that out for submission. The +1 under rejections is for a market that returned my story because they were revising their user agreement. They invited me to resubmit the story, but unfortunately, their new terms were not favorable. I pulled another story, which I don’t think ever got a code name, out of circulation because I’ve had several editors suggest that it ends too abruptly. Since it’s not super long at the moment, I figure I can safely write a little more on it. And I do have one story out to two markets right now–they both allow for simultaneous submissions, and I am beginning to think that the first market might be inactive.

In terms of other work, I finished the first draft of “green” and started on the first draft of “blues.” I also continued working on Camp Haunt. “Green” still needs revisions, and “blues” isn’t quite done, but it’s getting there. Both of these are historical fantasy stories–“green” is set in the 1880s, and “blues” is set vaguely in the 1920s or 1930s–I have a little bit of research to do for that one that will solidify that date. They also both have a touch of horror to them, but I wouldn’t classify them as horror stories. You’d think they’d be perfect for working on in October, but …

For October, I’m actually taking a writing break from short stories. This is primarily because I have a LOT of conventions and craft shows coming up in the next three months, one of which caught me by surprise, so I’m frantically crocheting in every spare moment. But I’ll still continue working on Camp Haunt, which I should be done writing as an epistolary serial novel by mid-October. (It will continue to be posted three times a week on Channillo for a few more months, though.) After that’s done, I’ll change gears and work on finishing my NaNoWriMo novel from 2013 (codename: Kyra), which was the last year that I “won” NaNoWriMo (finished 50,000 words). I still have about six chapters to write before the novel is done, though, which makes it the novel I’m closest to having completely done. So it’s first on my plate for finishing. I’ll return to short stories (and continue working on this novel) in November.

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