History That Never Was

Home of Dawn Vogel: Writer, Historian, Geek

September recap

By the numbers:
Stories out at the beginning of the month: 5
Acceptances received: 0
Rejections received: 5
Stories withdrawn: 0
Resubmissions: 5
New Submissions: 0
Stories out at the end of the month: 5

I’m a bit late recapping last month because I’ve been taking a bit of a break from writing. In addition to the whole writing thing, I also run a small crafting business. I had my first show of the year a couple of weeks ago, and did REALLY well. Like, better than anticipated. Also, better than prepared for. So I’ve spent the last two weeks crocheting during every spare moment, including at writer’s groups, to try to prepare for my next show, which is in two weeks. So writing takes a back seat until things simmer down on that front (which may not happen until… the end of the year? Yay, holiday rush!).

Any rate, there wasn’t much movement on stories either, honestly. Three of the stories that are out currently have been out since July or August, and the other two stories are the ones that have been going out, coming back with rejections, and going back out again. I have spent a little bit of time tidying one of the stories, primarily because I was seeing if I could cut down the word count at all. I found a perfect home for it, but I’m a bit beyond their upper limit. Luckily, I queried the editors and they said send it on, and they would take a look. So fingers crossed on that! And I should be hearing back about some of the older stories soon, I think.

As I mentioned above, the insanity of the holiday rush might mean that I’m working non-stop on crocheting from now till the end of the year. So I will probably be skipping NaNoWriMo this year. I’ll be able to make a decision on that next week, after I get word on the final show that I’ve applied for this season. I’m a little bummed by the thought of NOT doing NaNo. However, I’ve also proven to myself that I can write a full novel in less than a month, if I make the decision to do it. So I may end up taking my partial outline, finishing it, and writing that novel early next year, or during the summer, when the crochet business is quite slow.

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